brave space agreements
Because of the broad range of artistic approaches and practices, a universal code of ethical conduct for artists, while potentially useful, is problematic and inherently oppressive. To combat these dynamics OTV has developed a set of commitments (Ethical Governance) and agreements (Brave Space) that provide opportunities for various artistic disciplines to thrive while also being held responsible and accountable for their actions as they cultivate manifestations that speak to their humanity. While applicable in many contexts, these codes of ethics and community agreements have been designed to breathe life into honest dialogue, generative conflict, and sustained resistance against harmful systems and therefore should not be enshrined as universally applicable unless agreed upon by all parties.
what are brave space agreements?
They are called brave space agreements because we are inviting folks in our community to be fearless when entering this new world we are creating together.
Brave space agreements are presented in both verbal and non-verbal communications and serve as a contract for everyone gathering in a shared space, experience or activation.
Brave space agreements are not ‘safe’ space agreements because safety is an illusion and safety is not what sparks revolutions, imaginations, or play.
Brave space agreements can and should be modified to adapt to the needs of the individuals sharing space.
Brave space agreements hold us as an organization and you as a community accountable for our actions, thoughts and feelings.
Brave Space Agreements (Communal Contracts):
I agree that my gifts bring value to this space and I receive the gifts that this space offers me.
I agree to be nourished to my best abilities in this space, and ask for what I need.
I agree to be playful if my spirit allows, and I agree to do this with energetic consent.
I agree to honor different people’s communication styles to the best of my abilities.
I agree to honor each other's intellectual property both copy-written and not.
I agree to step up and step back in conversations, break-out sessions, and workshops.
I agree to resist and disarm against racism, ableism, sexism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, shame, and other harmful systems of oppression.
I agree to maintain the confidentiality of un-recorded, off-the-record discussion.
I agree that no-one is disposable.
I agree to make space for additional agreements to be added to this list to ensure that my needs and the needs of my community are met with bravery.
If you have any questions about OTV’s Brave Space Agreements please reach out via our contact page.