Nupita Obama Creates Vogua is a series very near and dear to our hearts. It was written and directed by Aymar Jean Christian , Open TV's creator and head of development. It's the series that launched Open TV as we know it, and now we have more to share.

We have just released three new Nupita Obama videos, each an interview with one of the three stars: Mister Wallace, “Curtis”, Kiam Marcelo Junio, “Reyes”, and Saya Naomi, “Gia”. 


Christian on the artists and actors: "Nupita Obama would not have been possible without these incredible artists, who gave their skill and art to the project. I wrote the script, but they added to it. I didn't have to plan for costumes, set design, or so many other elements of the production because Erik, Saya, and Kiam brought so much to the set. Each artist has their own incredible practice. Kiam is a truly interdisciplinary artist, with experience in performance, photography, video, fashion design, all in addition to being a yoga instructor and one of the best videographers for performance I know. Saya is one of Chicago's fiercest and most compelling drag queens. She exudes charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent. Erik, a.k.a. Mister Wallace, is queering hip hop in ways we've never seen, all while co-running a queer indie label, Futurehood, spotlighting a diverse group of artists. Sit back and spend 20 minutes to get to know these talented folks. They're only just beginning!"